In the mid 20th century the swingbell soared to popularity and was also know as
the swing bar.
The swingbell is basically a dumbell with the weight set in the middle instead of the 
A lot of barbell and dumbbell exercises can be modified to perform with the swingbell.
If you don't have swingbells and have adjustable dumbells or barbells, load the plates 
in the middle and use the lock nuts on either side to secure the plates.

Doing swingbell curls is similar to a cross between barbell/dumbell curls, bringing 
the same results and that is strengthening biceps.
Sitting on a bench hold on to both ends with an underhanded grip.Resting forarms on 
thighs this is the start position.Curl your arms upwards and exhale at the same time.
Inhale as you lower the swingbell very slowly to the start position.As with all 
weights keep upper arms as still as possible throughout the exercise routine.
prevent cheating.

For working out your chest,upper-back and shoulders, lie on the bench face up
holding the swingbell above your chest (upper) with arms fully extended. 
Inhale as you lower the the swingbell behind your head.Then exhale when you
are getting back to the start position.Make sure not to cheat, arms straight
during your excise routine.To make it more challenging past the start position 
move the weight all the way to your thighs.

Some more Barbell and Dumbbell Variations you can replicate with your swingbell
include the seated triceps extension, upright rows for your upper-back, good mornings 
for the lower back, and of course the squat press which develops a variety of leg 
and upper body muscles.

Swingbell- the names itself suggests its easier to swing than the dumbell or barbell.
More similar to the kettlebells in principle but the kettlebell is swung with one 
The best way to perform arc swings.
Stand straight, feet should be shoulder-width apart.Arms straight and swingbell  held 
in front of your thighs. Lean forward slightly,rotate your body to the right, as you 
swing the weight in an 180 degree arc,to the right and upwards.Stop when the weight is 
over your head then follow with the same arc downwards to your starting position.
As you reach the bottom of the arc,now rotate to the left and swing the swingbell
in an arc to the left side and upwards.
Variate this exercise by swinging the weight in a circle clockwise and anti clock wise.

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