An intense power and muscle plan that covers six weeks. Consisting of several several activities in his plan.In every session warm ups starts the exercise routines for the day. Leg raises follow after wards on an inclined bench. Other activities include back extensions ,dips,chin ups, wood chopper, military presses,bent over rows, front squats dead lifts , chest presses on dumbbell bench. The exercises are done 3 days per week.
The first two weeks are cardio sessions. Each session as describe above should be done in15 reps and three sets with a half minute break following each set.
The third and fourth weeks are focused on power development and are characterized
ten reps and four sets for every activity with a minutes break between each set.
In the last two weeks the focus is to increase the muscle size. For this routine every activity is repeated in five repititions and five sets with a minute and a half break,following every set. RDJ advises that cardio exercises should close each session, rest should be taken seriously.
Exercise alone is not enough. A balanced diet should be followed to avoid nutritional disorders.
Carbohydrates: RDJ consumes an average of 3500 calories daily. Eats carbohydrates to increase his calorie intake.
Proteins: Protein sources should often be from unprocessed natural foods. These should be in small bit meals, but in six to eight times a day, other than the conventional three times. Some examples of good quality proteins are skimmed chocolate milk, brocoli, legumes and big steak.
Having Liquids: He also drinks a lot of water and copious amounts of coffee and green tea.
Breakfast: His breakfast consists of two eggs that are scrambled or boiled to reduce fat intake ,two bread slices (seasoned with fruit)three pieces of tomato and skimmed milk (a quarter cup)
Lunch : Full course meals consist of two whole bread slices, salad with chicken and mayonaise, unsweetened coffee or tea and green leafy vegetables.
Dinner: Comprises of carrots,brocoli,green beans and lean pork,fish beef and chicken.
With this strict diet RJD was able to make an easy transitions from the lean impressive
appearance to the Iron Man's strength characterised by warrior muscles.
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