Sunday 25 August 2013

Sample Swing Bell Routine


 Posted by Calvin Cotton on November 22, 2010 at 1:07 PM
Here is a good sample swingbell routine. Give it a try.

WARMUP - 30 Swingbell Swings

 Perform 1 set of 15-30 reps of each of the following:


Swingbell Front Raises - On these bring the weight all the way up overhead,
don't stop when the weight reaches shoulder level.

Swingbell Neider Presses - Hold the swingbell at the center of your chest and
press arms outward in front until they are straight. Hold the contraction for
a second and flex the pectoral muscles and repeat.

Swingbell Upright Rows

Seated Swingbell Concentration Curls - Sit at the end of a bench and rest your
upper arms against your inner thighs as you perform swingbell curls.

Swingbell French Presses - Perform French Presses for your triceps with the swingbell.

Swingbell Pullovers - One of the classic swingbell exercises. Perform straight-arm
pullovers on a bench with the swingbell.


Around the Worlds - Hold the swingbell directly overhead and proceed to lower the
bell toward the right leg and then back up and around in a counterclockwise motion
across the left leg and back up to bell held overhead again. You will be making a
circular sweep with the bell. Perform sets of repetitions in both directions - clockwise
and counterclockwise.

Side Bends - Hold the swingbell directly overhead and perform side bends as far as
possible to the left and to the right.

Standing Twists - Hold the swingbell out in front and rotate to the left and right
as far as comfortably possible.

Weighted Crunches - Lie supine and hold the swingbell on your chest and perform

Swings - Perform swings with the swingbell. On this exercise, perform 50 to 100
repetitions and move at a rapid pace.

LEG EXERCISES - On these leg exercises, perform a repetition range of 30 to 50 reps.

Overhead Squats - Hold the swingbell directly overhead and squat as deep as comfortably
possibe, below parallel.

Goblet Squats (Front Squats) - Hold the swingbell against the chest and perform squats
as deep as comfortably possible. Try to at least touch your elbows to your thighs or
knees at the bottom position.

Try to move as quickly as possible between exercises, resting only as long as the time
it takes you to change weight plates on your swingbell.

CARDIO - On the days you do not do your swingbell routine, I recommend doing rope
jumping as your cardio exercise to provide conditioning for your calf muscles and heart.

Don't forget to do static stretching following your swingbell routine.

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