Sunday 25 August 2013

Easy Fitness Tips

Its not necessary to spend a fortune on expensive trainers and ultra-modern gyms,
to shed those unwanted kilos. Here are a few east to follow steps – but them must be
followed religiously and constantly – and you will achieve your desired results.
Here they are
EXERCISE WHILE YOU WATCH TV If you are a member of an upscale neighbour hood gym that has TV's linked to the treadmills, bikes and cross-trainers watch it. It helps tp get your mind off the exercises you are doing. Try watching a marathon while running on the treadmill-there no better incentive to keep going.
DONT GO ON A DIET, MOVE YOURSELF !Its not easy to stick to a strict diet. Hunger pangs may get the better of you, so relax on the eating front and opt to burn some calories instead. How ? well Get off the bus one stop before. Use the stairs instead of the elevator, if the weather is good go for a walk in the park or grounds.
TRY SOMETHING NEW FROM TIME TO TIME ! There are many clubs, groups and classes. So from from time to time try out some thing new. And then if you have found something you like stick to it. Join a yoga or dance class, there are loads of things you can do for free jog or walk in the park, groups are always open to you joining them in the mornings, like the laughing club or yoga club etc.
INVEST IN GOOD SPORTS APPAREL! If you are going to run you need decent trainers  to avoid injury. Running in inappropriate shoes can give you shin splints, which are unpleasant. Good trainers will last and a proper sports bra is crucial. Go for something simple and practical, no need to spend a fortune. Going through with the purchase will give you the incentive to exercise and justify the expense incurred.
FILL YOURSELF UP ON THE RIGHT !Swap biscuits for bananas, perhaps have a protein shake instead of a chocolate bar, and eat three good meals a day. You will feel full and you will be eating foods that act as fuel as opposed to sugary stuff- which only benefits your sweet tooth. Nice to have a treat but avoid over doing it.
DONT BUY INTO TEMPTATIONS !The idea is if you know you'll eat an entire packet of biscuits, do not buy them in the first place. Avoid buying stuff you should not be eating .So if you have a craving for it you will have to go out and buy it, chances are you wont be bothered to.
 SET A REALISTIC ,POSITIVE CHALLENGE FOR YOURSELF ! Weather its a marathon, bike ride or swimathon, find something you and your friends can do. It helps to have something that you need to commit to, to train for and then on D-day push yourself. Other wise perhaps you are off on a holiday in a few months and will be wearing some beach ware. May be going to a wedding in the summer, or perhaps it is your wedding.
Allow yourself treats , but keep in mind you are working towards something. That will help you keep motivated.
GET RID OF THE BATHROOM SCALES !Get rid of your scales, the last thing you want is to become obsessed about your weight. Instead use clothing as a guide, that way you focus on toning. Weight obsession is not part of a healthier Lifestyle.
MAKE A LIST OF TASKS !Make a to-do list. It will make you active and will help you get out and about. You may find yourself ending up cleaning, which will also burn calories. If you have kids at home go with them to the playground. Have pets take them for a walk and some out door activity.
BE AN EARLY BIRD WITH EXERCISE! It can be hard to muster the enthusiasm for early starts, but the best time to exercise. Waking your body with a cardiovascular workout gets your metabolism working faster.

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