Sunday 25 August 2013

Yoga Instructions Online

The Secret of Good Yoga Instruction Online

By: Yogacharya

Yoga Instruction online is getting more popular by the day. The internet has provided a whole new world of opportunities for yoga enthusiasts … but it has also set the stage for a lot of potential problems as well.

We all know that the internet is a fascinating universe of information, while at the same time and a nerve-racking sphere of misinformation too … and for yoga, it’s no exception. Any web-savvy person can quite easily paint a picture of themselves as a yoga expert online, even with very little understanding of yoga at all. There’s so much yoga-related material online now, and so much “yoga junk” within it, that you really need to be on the ball to separate the quality from the dubious.
You can definitely learn yoga online … but you don’t want to be careless about it. As with anything online, proper research is your best friend.

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Yoga instruction online is not really any different than in the living, breathing world. You need a teacher with adequate knowledge and experience. Unfortunately, that knowledge and experience is lacking in most yoga teachers today … on or offline. 

The modern yoga world too often mistakes enthusiastic yoga teachers for knowledgeable ones, and the modern standards of a few hundred hours of yoga teacher training sure don’t help matters. These extremely basic requirements are a terribly insufficient barometer for gauging whether or not someone really does have the understanding and experience to properly teach yoga.
Finding the right yoga teacher does take some work.  It might be easier to assess someone face to face that it is in cyberspace. At least, in person, flaws and cracks can’t be easily edited away, and teachers need to be able to demonstrate in real time that they have successfully cultivated the virtues and disciplines of yoga themselves.

But most well established yogis have an online presence now too, and some are starting to provide some great new opportunities to learn yoga online as well.  The internet is definitely no longer a place to be ignored by aspiring yogis.  My advice, as always, is to do your research before diving in too deep. Remember that all is not necessarily what it seems on the World Wide Web … after all, that’s why they call it “the virtual world.”

For more information, visit ... First in online yoga training ...

Yogacharya is the Director of International Yogalayam, Editor of The Yoga News, and creator of The Yoga Tutor, a step-by-step online yoga training website.

For your FREE TRIAL of The Yoga Tutor, visit

© Copyright – Yogacharya. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, the active links and this copyright notice remain intact.

TAGS: Yoga Instruction, Online Yoga, Learn Yoga Online, Yoga Course, Yoga Lessons

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